Israelis use Terex bulldozers to destroy water line

Terex has 22,000 employees and is present in 15 countries around North America, Latin America, Asia Europe and the Middle East. In 2014, its reported revenue was US$ 7.3 billion.
Created in 1968 as a division of General Motors, Terex was purchased in the 1980s by the American entrepreneur Randolph W. Len, who made a number of acquisitions and sales. Nowadays, the Terex Corporation owns more than 50 brands such as CMI Roadbuilding, Genie Industries and Tatra. They are also in a joint venture with Russian conglomerate GAZ Group.
In the 1990s, the company, which has a Government & Military program, found itself under fire for supposedly manufacturing military vehicles for the Iraqi government at the request of the CIA and the British intelligence service. No legal charges were filed.
At Al Hadidiya early this year, the Israeli army used ten military jeeps, four city jeeps and three bulldozers to destroy the only source of potable water in the Jordan Valley village.