News - Page 10
Home Demolitions in the village of Fasayil
Renewed home demolitions occurred in the village of Fasayil in the Jordan Valley last week. The first demolition took place…
UN Coordinator for Aid to Palestinians Condemns Seizure of Tents from Khirbet al Hamma
Following the Israeli Occupational Force's demolition and seizure of tents funded by international donors on November 9th the UN Coordinator…
Two People Taken to Hospital After Israeli Soldiers Enter Al’Auja
On the morning of Monday 14th November Israeli soldiers entered the village of Al Auja and began to demolish storage…
Occupation forces steal tents donated by international doners
On 27th September 2016 the community of Khirbet al Hamma were subjected to the destruction of their homes and belongings.…
Resisting house demolitions in Fasayil and Khirbet Humsa
Musa Abu Mohammed's first experience of his home being demolished was in 1993, the year of the Oslo Accords, when…
The occupation expropriates more land to build a new colony
In the northern part of the Jordan Valley in the area of Tubas, the illegal colonists have started to confiscate…
JVS supporting families in Khirbet Al Hamma following illegal demolition of their homes
On 27th of September 2016 the Israeli army forces attacked and destroyed three houses in Khirbet Al Hamma which…
Cinema in the Jordan Valley
Odeh Films Productions is thrilled to announce its initiation of Mobile Cinema of Area C of the Jordan Valley. This…
JVS Condemns Morning Demolitions In Fasayil, Tubas and Jiftek Villages; Calls For Proactive International Response
In the early hours of August 8th , Jordan Valley Solidarity received reports of demolitions of housing, animal and water…
Occupation forces invade villages for military training
On 30th May 2016 occupation began yet another invasion of Palestinian villages in the northern Jordan Valley, forcibly evicting the…