Stop Water Apartheid: Launch of our Right to Water campaign

On Thursday 10th February we will launch the Right to Water Campaign with an international conference on zoom. All our supporters are invited to attend. Please email for the zoom link if you would like to attend. The conference will run from 11.00 to 13.00 Palestine time on Thursday 10th February 2022.
We are working to counter Israeli policies and practices that violate the Palestinians’ basic right to water and to defend our rights which are violated in the water sector by the Israeli occupation.
As a group of 15 activists from the Jordan Valley and Masafer Yatta, we live with the consequences of water apartheid, particularly in areas designated as Area C under the Oslo accords. This project is a collaboration between the Land Defense Coalition (LDC( and the Arab Center for Social Media Development (7amleh).
The conference aims to:
- Expose (water) right violations in Area C (specifically in the Jordan Valley and Southern Hebron Hills) and the constant threats residents of these areas are exposed to on a daily basis.
- Explain water apartheid, used by the Israeli occupation forces as a tool for displacement and its connectivity to theft of resources (water, agricultural land, minerals) through settlement expansions and acquiring territory by force in violation of international law.
- Advocate for the residents of Area C, to have access to the amount of water needed in accordance with international water law (water equity).
- Raise awareness among (new) international audiences and networks on the fundamental issue of water in Area C, as well as in the broader Palestinian context.
- Presenting concrete actions governments can take to fulfil Palestinian water rights and bringing an immediate end to Israeli water theft.
For more information about the Stop Water Apartheid campaign see #StopWater Apartheid right to water campaign launched