The Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign stands side by side with Jordan Valley residents resisting the ethnic cleansing of their communities. JVS volunteers provide an international presence for families facing demolitions, settler violence and military intimidation and harassment.
By standing in solidarity with vulnerable communities, JVS volunteers help deter violence against these communities, document rights abuses and encourage the Israeli military to be accountable to international law. JVS volunteers also help rebuild homes and other structures that have been destroyed by the Israeli military.
Most recently, the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign has been standing in solidarity with Bedouin farmers resisting eviction and displacement in the community of Ein El Hilwe. JVS volunteers stayed 5 nights in the tent of the Daraghme family, supporting the family as they remained steadfast in the face of settler and military harassment. Volunteers stood with the family as settlers erected a fence around their tent, and stayed with them as the Israeli military forcibly dragged the family from their home and demolished it with their belongings inside. The group then proceeded to help reconstruct the tent a short distance from its original location. The family remains there to this day.
JVS volunteers stand in solidarity with communities throughout the Jordan Valley, and have helped rebuild demolished structures in Khirbet Samra and several other villages. By providing international solidarity to isolated Bedouin communities, JVS seeks to remind these communities that they are not alone, and that the world sees and cares about their struggle. By helping Jordan Valley residents remain steadfast on their land, the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign hopes to build the resilience of these communities, and to stop the ethnic cleansing of the Jordan Valley.