Escalation of Human Rights violations in the JordanValley
Palestinians in the Jordan Valley are experiencing a sustained attack from the occupation forces and israeli settlers. Please see the document below for a fully detailed and illustrated account of the events in February. A summary for the month is listed below.

2nd February 2023:
Home demolished in Khirbet Nabi Musa and confiscation of a vehicle and a solar panel
4th February 2023:
IOF storms Aqbat Jaber Camp in besieged Jericho 3 times in 24 hours. Homes were ransacked and 13 Palestinians were injured.
6th February 2023:
IOF raid Aqbat Jaber refugee camp again and kill 5 Palestinians. They were aged 21, 22, 22, 27 and 28 years old. They were all fighters in resistance organisations but none of them were activie on the day they were murdered.
9th February 2023:
Israeli ‘civil administation’ issued demolition orders for 12 Palestinian homes throughout the Jordan Valley.
Northern Jordan Valley: More than 350 settlers toured around in buses harassing Palestinian farmers and assualting their animals under the protection of the Isralie army and police.
Southern Jordan Valley: Settlers from the illegal outpost of Omar stole swathes of Palestinian farm land planted with date palms.
11th February:
Israeli settlers destroyed the home and farm buildings of a Palestinian family in Khirbet Umm Al-Abr and tipped all their water tanks over.
12th February:
IOF demolish two farm building being used to shelter sheep in Khirbet Umm Al-Abr .
13th February:
Local shops in Al Auja forciby closed for 10 days.
Mahmoud Majed Al-Aydi from Al Fara’a refugee camp murdered by the IOF.
16th February:
IOF storm Aqbat Jaber refugee camp near Jericho and arrest three men.
Special Units of the IOF storm the village Tayaseer at dawn, arrest Wissam Abu Mohsen in his home and wreak havoc in the house.
IOF conduct extensive dredging operations to extend the water network to settlements
21st February:
4 Demolition Orders issuesd in Al Aqaba Village
23rd February:
Demolition Order issued in Ras Al-Auja
Demolition Orders for 20 houses in Jericho and Adiuk village
25th February:
Occupation confiscated 193 dunums of Palestinian state land just north of Al Auja.
26th February:
Two tractors and a car conscated from a Palestinian family.
27th February:
Settlers attack the population of Khirbet Yarza and Khirbet Al-Farisiya, breaking into 6 homes, destroying food and water tanks and damaging 3 cars.
Settlers put up a sign calling for “Revenge on the Palestinians” at the junction of Ein El Helwa.
Roadblock on the road between the Al-Baqi‘a plain and the northern Jordan Valley.