Update on the JVS van campaign

Dear Friends and supporters,
We are pleased to give a good news: thanks to the support of all donors who have contributed to this campaign, JVS managed to buy a van to be used for the benefit of small producers and the wider community located in the Jordan Valley.

From the beginning of April, the van is operative and is being used for different activities, as AssoPace Palestina could verify on site during the last trip in Palestine which took place half of April 2022. For instance, it has served as transportation for zataar to be planted in al Hama community to contribute to the Land unites us project, as reported by Rashid Khudeiri. Al Hama is an area rich of water springs, where farmers already have a date farm and are implementing agricultural initiatives aimed at bringing back families from Area A. Moreover, the van has been employed to transport palm date trees from al Hama to Al Farisiya, in order to build the roof a new farmers’ center, which will serve as a gathering site where local farmers can meet, organise, discuss business and work together.
The van has been also used to prepare cultivable land in the north of the Bardala village, bringing water pipelines to be connected to water sources and to bring protective fences. The fields in this area will serve as agricultural land for five farmers.
A part from carrying various material, the van helps people moving around the Jordan Valley, where public transport is limited. It has been used for the women who participate in the Land unites us project and who need to travel from the villages of Ein El Beda, Kardala, Bardala to Al Hama, where they are involved in collecting zaatar which is then sold on the market. It was used to help teachers to reach the Mak-hul community, where JVS has launched the Right to education initiative, and in general it is used to help farmers get to areas which are hardly reachable by car, such as the Ibziq community.
To carry out these activities, JVS is acting in coordination with the Palestinian Farmers Association. Petrol costs are shared between the two organisations for longer trips, while petrol costs for shorter distances, insurance and other ordinary expenses are sustained by JVS.
Even though the oppressive policies of the Israeli state are constantly threatening the existence of Palestinians in this area, JVS and other solidarity organisations keep working together to fight against the occupation’s ultimate goal, which is to displace Palestinians from their land.
Your support and generosity in this campaign has been crucial in allowing Palestinians in the Jordan Valley to carry on with their daily activities and engage in new community projects, and to give hope to the people who resist in everyday life by claiming their right to exist.
Jordan Valley Solidarity movement and Palestinian Farmers Association want to express their deep gratitude to the international solidarity movement and the campaign organisers – AssoPacePalestina and ABP-Lux in Belgium – whose continue support allows and facilitate the success of many important projects in the Jordan Valley.