Author Archives: sarah - Page 3
Strengthening our youth to defend our rights
Jordan Valley Solidarity are working in partnership with the Jerusalem Centre for Legal Aid and Human Rights to train 15…
May 2023: Human rights violations in the Jordan Valley
1st May: Occupation Forces raided Aqbat Jaber refugee camp in the early morning. 17-year-old Jibril Al-Ladaa was shot by the…
Khirbet Al Deir under threat from Israeli settlers
Israeli settlers are driving forward the annexation of the Jordan Valley, with the support of the Israeli state and its…
March 2023: Human rights violations in the Jordan Valley
1st March 2023:The Israeli Occupation foces stormed Aqbat Jaber refugee camp in Jericho. Shooting with live ammunition, the soldiers injured…
Escalation of Human Rights violations in the JordanValley
Palestinians in the Jordan Valley are experiencing a sustained attack from the occupation forces and israeli settlers. Please see the…
Update on the JVS van campaign
Dear Friends and supporters, We are pleased to give a good news: thanks to the support of all donors who…
Repression of Jordan Valley Palestinians escalated after November 2022 Israeli election
Just one month after the Israeli elections of 1st November 2022, the situation for Palestinians in the Jordan Valley has…
Right to Education for Children of Mak-hul, Samra and Al Hadidiya communities
As a consequence of the apartheid policies imposed by the Israeli occupation, Palestinians living in Area C suffer from a…
Land unites us in Al Hama
Current situation of Al Hama community Demography & Forced displacement - Al Hama is a Palestinian community in the north…
Right to Education for Children of Mak-hul, Samra and Al Hadidya Communities
Jordan Valley SolidarityApril 2022 Summary As a consequence of the apartheid policies imposed by the Israeli occupation, Palestinians living in…