“The 1967 occupation had significant implications for Palestinian water resources and their access and distribution. These issues remain at the heart of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land. As a trans-boundary resource, control over water has significant legal and political implications… This report details this situation as it relates to one of the worst affected areas: the Jordan Valley.”

“Water scarcity, abysmal sanitation facilities and polluted water resources present a constant challenge to the survival of this already vulnerable community. Although access to safe water is compromised in many developing countries, as this report shows, it is the deliberately discriminatory nature of Israel’s policies, highlighted by it’s unflinching ability to guarantee safe water access and distribution for its settler population, that make this man-made water crisis unique. It also however means that much can be achieved by forcing Israel to abide by its obligations as set out in numerous legal frameworks and conventions.”

You can view the report online at http://www.maan-ctr.org/pdfs/WateReport.pdf