
On 14.09.2011 the Israeli army entered the vilage of Al-Fara’a and threatened to demolish six wells.

At 7am, ten army jeepes arrived at a farming area of Al-Fara’a (Area A), located approximately 20 kilometres northeast of the town of Nablus.

The people of Al-Fara’a showed the army the well contruction permits issued by the Palestinian Authority, but were told these were not recognised (by the occupiers) and ensured that the wells would be destroyed.

Permit issued by the Palestinian Authority

The soldiers took pictures of the wells and noted down the exact GPS coordinates, a necessary step towards the issuing of a demolition order. Some farmers met with representatives of the local authority and expressed their concerns with the escalating destruction and intimidation.

There are only 28 wells in the district of Tubas, which provide water for domestic and irrigation use in the districts of Tubas and parts of the district of Nablus. These wells cost between 50-100 thousand dollars each to build. If demolished, the farmers will lose their means of subsistence and over 40 thousand people will suffer from water shortages.

Three wells had been destroyed in Nasaryah the previous day, and another three were demolished last week in the same village. The farmers of Al-Fara’a are now expecting the IOF to return with a demolition order and destroy their wells.