Strengthening our youth to defend our rights
Jordan Valley Solidarity are working in partnership with the Jerusalem Centre for Legal Aid and Human Rights to train 15 local youth in the Jordan Valley to develop their understanding of human rights and learn the necessary skills to be able to defend these rights.

Salwa Hammad facilitated sessions with Hussein Shujaia, so the youth could understand civil, economic, political, cultural and human rights. This included their ramifications and the varying importance given to different rights over time, such as giving priority to economic, social and cultural rights, and the relationship of rights to law. Most importantly, everyone listened to the points of view of each other in the sessions.
There was a strong sense of unity in the dialogue between the activists during the 3 day training period which included a tour, and a youth initiative to be presented at the end of the training.
Rashid Khudairi from Jordan Valley Solidarity spoke about the importance of youth in community work and activating their role in order to build a youth environment that defends their rights and the rights of society and protects their rights in the Jordan Valley.