Hammamat Al Maleh community buildings destroyed and stolen by occupation forces

In the first week of November occupation forces carried out two attacks on the Palestinian communities living in Hammamat-al Maleh.
On Wednesday 3rd November they demolished all the structures belonging to Mohamed Eid and his family and took them away to drive the family away from their home by leaving them with no means to rebuild their tents to live in or pens for their animals. They didn’t even leave the children’s toys.

Then, on Sunday 7th November they returned and began dismantling and demolishing facilities in the Umm al-Jamal community and again, seizing them. They demolished and took away residential tents and sheep pens owned by Muhammad al-Kabeer Elyan Awad.

These families have now lost their housing tents, sheep pens, water tanks, solar cells and everything. We are asking all our friends to support our call to human rights and humanitarian institutions to protect the population and their properties and provide them with humanitarian aid.