Bedouin family’s home demolished for the fourth time in Al-Hadidya
On the morning of July, the 21st at around 7 am; the Israeli military entered the village of Al-Hadidiya and destroyed the homes of two Bedouin families.

One Israeli bulldozer and one dump truck ran into two tents of the family, including the kitchen and the bathroom and shelter for the sheep.
Not only did Israeli military demolish the place, but they also took the building materials in case the families rebuild the house.
It was only one month ago since the last demolition had happened. After that demolition the family had erected a tent one kilometre away.
In total, it was the 4th time demolition by the Israelis since 2002 for the same families, and the last two demolitions even have occurred without any prior warning.
One of the families under demolition is Oud Kaabneh’s, the family of 4, a husband and wife with two kids. The other family is Najih Odeh Kaabneh and his wife with nine kids, which the youngest is only 5 months old.
The demolition is a war crime against Palestinian civilians by the occupying authority of Israel.
Not only is it against international law, but also the humanitarian law. The motive is to build more settlements and proceed the economic plans for the Israeli governments.
Today five Palestinian activists from the Jordan Valley Solidarity visited the families and helped them build a temporary tent and the awning for the sheep for them to stay in resistant.