Today, the Building Observers from the Israeli Civil Administration issued 16 new demolition orders to Al Maleh village, in the Northern Jordan Valley.

These 16 barracks were build two years ago by the UNFAO for Palestinian inhabitants of the Jordan Valley. But soon Israeli bulldozers will demolish them.

Moreover an oral warning was given to the community house of the village. This barrack received a demolition order one year ago and today the Civil Administration reminded the inhabitants of the village that they must remove it or the bulldozer will do it.

Less than two months ago the Israeli Civil Administration destroyed twice the village of Farsiya located beside Al Maleh.

Later during the day, 26 additional demolition orders were given to the residents of El Hamme, Al Farisiya, Ein El Hilwe and MatchHul villages.

Jordan Valley Solidarity calls on the Palestinian Authority to follow up closely these demolition orders that aim to transfer the Palestinian from the Jordan Valley and to make the Jordan Valley a priority in the negotiations with the Israeli government.