We currently have volunteers from Argentina, Britian and Columbia staying with us and supporting the work of Jordan Valley Solidarity. They are visiting our schools, making mud bricks for the Friends Meeting House, supporting communities under threat, updating our website and producing information about the situation in the Jordan Valley.

Maria from Argentina is putting her video footage on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=MariaStango&aq=f (videos are in a mixture of Arabic, Spanish and English). Your can view her blog at http://palestinainshallah.blogspot.com (Spanish and English) and her photos at http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/view?q=palestina%20inshallah&psc=G&filter=1#

The volunteers from Britain have a blog at http://topalestineinsolidarity.blogspot.com

They have also started a Twitter for Jordan Valley Solidarity. Follow it to keep up to date with what is happening in the Jordan Valley @JVSolidarity.

We feel that international volunteers have a really important role to play in our campaign, both when they are with us in the valley, and when they return home and speak about the situation here and maintain links with us.

If you would like to volunteer with Jordan Valley Solidarity please get in touch.