February 28a, Fasayil, Palestine

28th February 2014

Today, in the morning, two palestinians and three brazilian internationals were carrying repairs to the JVS Centre, in Fasayil. The house is more than eighty years and is the oldest house in the village.

At eleven o’clock in the morning four israeli soldiers arrived in JVS Centre.They have not been given permission to enter in the centre, but they still went into the house, made checks on the organization, asked a lot of questions to the internationals and the Palestinians present. They also took pictures of the house and the people.

After twenty minutes, the army came back with five more soldiers. Furthemore, they brought one soldier who speaks portuguese to talk with the brazilians. During this second invasion of our house they spent around forty minutes checking the centre and asking questions. Moreover, they took pictures of the passports, visas, Palestinian ID and the people in the house.

The army tried to consficate some equipment of the centre. In addition, the soldiers said to the internationals if they can prove that they are working with Palestinians, they will be arrested. According to the Israeli soldiers, if the internationals are working with Palestinians, they are against Israel!