News - Page 50
Football championship launched in the Jordan Valley
Al Auja (more…)
Bedouin families told to leave by June
01/09/2010 JERICHO (Ma’an) -- Israeli authorities issued warrants ordered Bedouin families lodging in tents and sheds on land between Jericho…
Jordan Valley Solidarity and LifeSource connect the village of Al-Farisiya in the northern Jordan Valley
Jordan Valley Solidarity and LifeSource connect the village of Al-Farisiya in the northern Jordan Valley with water, freeing up many…
Resistance: rebuilding demolished homes
After a second wave of destruction in the Palestinian village of Al Farisiya on the 5th of August, the support…
Bardala water well closed by the occupational authorities
On 15th August the Israeli occupation authorities deliberately cut off water used to irrigate hundreds of acres of agricultural land…
Al Farisiya to be razed again
On the morning of Sunday 15th August 2010, the Israeli Civil Administration came to Al Farisiya yet again, with two…
Interview with Luisa Morgantini
FROM THE JORDAN VALLEY, ONCE THE BREADBASKET OF PALESTINE: Where today residents must resist just to exist. An interview with…
Quartet Envoy visits Al Farisiya
After a night in Al Farsiya helping the farmers to rebuild their houses, about 30 Palestinian and international volunteers welcomed…
Tony Blair to visit the Palestinian Jordan Valley on 11th August
We welcome the Middle East Quartet Envoy, Tony Blair, in the Jordan Valley and call him to act against house…
New house demolition in Ein Al Hilue
Again, today, the Israeli Occupation Forces came to the Jordan Valley to destroy. In less than 3 weeks almost 100…